DGT Test in English

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Official DGT Test in English:

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DGT Test in English free

Official DGT Test in English

1 / 30

If a traffic police vehicle is behind you and lights a device with a flashing red light forward, what should you do ?

DGT Test in English free 8

2 / 30

Alcohol can be detected in the blood from 5 minutes after consuming it, but when does it reach its maximum level ?

DGT test in english 24

3 / 30

Does chewing gum or candy reduce blood alcohol levels ?

DGT test in english 24

4 / 30

On a motorcycle less than one meter wide, how far can the load protrude from the front ?

Spanish Driving Test in English 21

5 / 30

If a driver tests 0.3 milligram/litre in an exhaled sample of breath, can the police officer requests a second test?

DGT Test in English 7

6 / 30

What documents must a motorcyclist carry in addition to the driving license ?

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7 / 30

A vehicle carries an indivisible load, can it exceed on the rear part ?

Spanish Driving Test in English 3

8 / 30

According to the World Health Organization, depression affects more than 300 million people. If we suffer from a depressive disorder we must know that ......

DGT Test in English Free 13

9 / 30

Can a highly resistant bodywork replace passive safety systems ?

Spanish Driving Test in English 14

10 / 30

After overtaking at the truck, should you immediately return to the right lane even if you intend to keep passing?

Spanish Driving Test in English 7

11 / 30

Does this sign mean stop?

DGT Test in English 2

12 / 30

If the route that you are going to take with your vehicle is short, is it allowed to carry a small child in your arms ?

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13 / 30

A two-wheeled vehicle without a sidecar, with an internal combustion engine with a displacement of more than 50 cubic centimeters, is considered ......

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14 / 30

What does this sign mean ?

DGT Test in English free 13

15 / 30

If a traffic police vehicle is behind you and lights a device with a flashing yellow lights forward, what should you do ?

Spanish Driving Test in English 3

16 / 30

Can the condition and behaviour of the driver influence his level of attention ?

Spanish driving test in english 21

17 / 30

If you are driving on an insufficiently lit interurban road at a speed lower than 40km/h, which lights should you have on ?

Spanish Driving Test in English 5

18 / 30

The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers the road accident rate a priority public health problem ......

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19 / 30

If the brakes of your vehicle get wet......

DGT Test in English 14

20 / 30

This sign, what does it indicate ?

Spanish Driving Test in English 22

21 / 30

Alcohol influences the reaction distance ?

Spanish driving test in english 25

22 / 30

It is important to know from this sign that in close proximity there is a risk ......

Spanish Driving Test in English 25

23 / 30

On roads out of town that do not have a space specially reserved for them, which pedestrians must circulate on their right and obey the signals directed to drivers ?

Spanish Driving Test in English 12

24 / 30

Police officers may subject them to screening for narcotics, psychotropic substances or other similar substances ......

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25 / 30

One of the major causes of death in motorcycle and moped accidents is ......

DGT Test in English 12

26 / 30

Are reaction and braking distance the same ?

DGT Test in English 9

27 / 30

Is it important not to drive in town at more than 50km/h ?

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28 / 30

In a motorway with three lanes in each direction, normally on which you should drive ?

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29 / 30

The agents of the authority in charge of traffic surveillance may immobilise a vehicle when ......

DGT Test in English free 12

30 / 30

When may Traffic Officers immobilise a motorcycle ?

DGT Test in English free 16

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Driving Theory Test Preparation in English – Full Package for Only 29,90 !

Our Full Package includes:
– Complete Driving Theory Manual/Book in English
Driving Theory Test-Book
Thematic Tests for every unit of theory book.
– Latest DGT Exam Style Driving Tests (total of 133 tests – 30Q each)

Info About the Exam:

By now you may already know that Spanish Traffic Department(DGT – Dirección General de Tráfico) provides an opportunity to take the Spanish driving test in English. Every expat living in Spain has an option to take the driving theory exam, the DGT test in English. This 30 minute driving theory test takes place in a 30 multiple choice questions exam format, from which you must have at least 27 correct answers to pass(You can try an official DGT test in English free of charge below) . Application for the driving test must be done at the DGT office of your city/locality, you must be a Spanish resident in order to qualify and there is a list of documents to be presented. A decent number of expats end up going through a local driving school but you can register for the spanish driving test in english and successfully pass it on your own. Therefore, you can register at an online driving school that offers all the necessary study materials (driving theory manual, official DGT exam tests in English and online driving theory video course) that you need in order to successfully pass your driving theory exam. This way you will save a considerable amount of time and money on the process of getting your Spanish driving license. Only once you have the DGT driving theory test successfully passed you will need a local driving school for the practical driving classes and the practical driving test.

Spanish Driving Test in English

As part of our contribution to the community of English speaking expats in Spain, we would like to present a free DGT test in English that you can do on our website free of charge. Our DGT driving theory test simulator is a software application that imitates the real driving theory examen. This software has a database of more than 500 official DGT test questions, from which 30 are randomly selected with every attempt. There is a time limit of 30 minutes for completing all the test questions as if you are taking a real spanish driving test in english. Click on the “Restart Exam” button at the end of the test and you will have a completely new driving theory exam available for you to practice.

Important Note: Driving School Barcelona team is currently working on a new project that makes it the only driving school in Spain that offers a Full Package Driving Theory Test Preparation in English.

Our goal is to bring the most profound driving theory exam preparation course to the english speaking expat’s community in Spain. We are the very a driving school with the most complete Driving Test Database in Spain that has more than 4000 official DGT exam questions in English. Our package includes everything you need to study in order to pass your Spanish DrivingTheory Exam.

If you complete all of our driving tests, thoroughly study the driving theory manual and Intensive Driving Theory Course – your success on DGT driving test is inevitable. With our Full Package Driving Theory Test Preparation you can get your Spanish driver’s license in just 15 Days.

Enjoy our Free DGT Test Simulator ! 🙂